Digimon Adventure


It begins when a group of kids go to summer camp. Something weird happened, snow comes at summertime and It makes the kids confuse. Suddenly, something came out from a hole with rainbow colour. Each of them got one strange things called Digivice and directly they were sucked into another world called Digital World. Their Digimon partners were suddenly thrust upon them, as well as the concept of having the Digimon Digivolve, a process by which they transform into stronger creatures to face off enemy Digimon. Thus, the children had to learn how to be DigiDestined as they went along.

As soon as they learned of the Digital World's situation, that evil Digimon wanted to rule the Digital World for themselves. They vowed to save it in spite of missing the life they had left behind. The DigiDestined promised to save Digital World because they saw that Digimon, though made of data, were as intelligent as humans. They did not want them to suffer. it makes a sense to them that no one else could defeat the Digital World's enemies except them.

As the Digimon evolved, the children also learned various aspects of maturity: making friends, being courageous, standing for one's morals, etc. Each child was given an object called a Crest that like a particular personality trait that they had to demonstrate to get their partners to Digivolve to a higher level. Tai possessed the trait of Courage, Matt, Friendship, Sora, Love, Izzy, Knowledge, Mimi, Sincerity, Joe, Reliability, and T.K., Hope. It is later revealed that at the time they were chosen to become the DigiDestined, they watched the fighting of Greymon versus Parrotmon about 4 years before they were sucked into Digital World. Tai was always courageous when he had to be. Matt was always being a good friend. Sora was genuinely loving and caring towards everyone. Izzy was very knowledgeable. Mimi was sincere about what she thought (include positive thinking or negative). Joe was highly reliable. T.K was one who always was hopeful and never willing to give up.

Finally, evil Digimon began crossing a dimensional gate from the Digital World to enter the real world. The DigiDestined and their partners followed. Specifically, they landed in Odaiba, Japan, the children's home town. As the DigiDestined battled on Earth, they were joined by an eighth member, Kari, Tai's sister and carrier of the crest of Light. Kari was chosen to be carrier of the crest of light, because she was genuinely good and always wanted to do what was right and she also watched the battle of Greymon versus Parrotmon. While this was happening, a group of four Mega level Digimon called the Dark Masters besieged the Digital World. Once things were taken care of on Earth, the eight DigiDestined returned to the Digital World once again in order to defeat the Dark Masters one by one, and eventually their ultimate enemy came out from the darkness, Apocalymon, the Digimon who was made of all the evil Digimon the DigiDestined had previously destroyed. When Apocalymon was defeated, the children went back to the Real World, leaving their Digimon partners behind.


- Taichi "Tai" Kamiya

he is the adventurous leader of the DigiDestined and the older brother of Kari Kamiya. Sometimes he is thick-headed, but always brave of anything that he faced off. His partner is Agumon.

- Yamato "Matt" Ishida

He always like a lonely guy. He always thinking of everyone near him. He also the older brother of T.K. Takaishi. His partner is Gabumon.

- Sora Takenouchi

She always tries to take care of the other kids. Her personality is often as a motherly figure for various characters, but she is kind of tomboy girl. Her partner is Biyomon.

- Koushiro "Izzy" Izumi

He is very intelligent and very knowledgeable. He is also a computer expert and constantly
uses his laptop to analyze strange thing or Digimon in Digital World. His partner is Tentomon.

- Mimi Tachikawa

She is kind and caring. Sometimes get selfish and ditzy. She always express her real feeling to her friends. Her partner is Palmon.

- Joe Kido

He is dependable and thoughtful and the oldest member of the group. Sometimes he is a worrywart. His partner is Gomamon.

- Takeru T.K. Takaishi

He is the youngest member of the group and the younger brother of Matt. He is a hopeful kid. His partner is Patamon.

- Hikari "Kari" Kamiya

She is the younger sister of Tai. She is gentle and kind. She joined the group after the DigiDestined. Her partner is Gatomon.



He is the first villain of DigiDestined. He controls black gears to make many Digimon become evil. When the war between DigiDestined begin, no Digimon can defeat him until Patamon, T.K. partner digivolve into Angemon and defeat Devimon. It caused Angemon lost his life and become Digitama.


He looks like a monkey who like singing the serenade that can make re-digivolve Digimon. He was destroyed by MetalGreymon.


He is the stronger form of Etemon. He looks like a monkey who has a body made by metal element. He returned to avenge his lost to DigiDestined when Dark Master appeared. But later destroyed by Zudomon and SaberLeomon.


He is an undead Digimon and looks styled like vampires. He was destroyed by Angewomon and the other Digimons.


After destroyed by Angewomon, he returned as VenomMyotismon. But destroyed again by WarGreymon and MetalGarurumon.

- Dark Masters
An Evil group of Mega level Digimon who subjugated the Digital World while the DigiDestined fought Myotismon on Earth. They are MetalSeadramon, Puppetmon, Machinedramon, and Piedmon.

MetalSeadramon was the ruler of the Net Ocean, which consisted of large Ocean space with a few little islands. MetalSeadramon fires a massive energy beam from the cannon on his face called River of Power.


Puppetmon was the smallest of the Dark Masters who always play with toys, and rules the forests from his mansion which is located at the heart of the forest. Puppetmon uses his hammer's energy blasters to either attack the target from a distance or amplify his hammer's strikes called Puppet Pummel.


Machinedramon was the second largest of the Dark Masters, who ruled the Digital City portion of Sprial Mountain which looked like a fusion of the prominent cities on Earth. He dwells in the center of his urbanized domain with the Metal Empire army at his disposal. Machinedramon fires a massive energy blast from the two cannons on his back called Giga Cannon.


The leader of the Dark Masters' who dwells in their base of operations in the middle of a wasteland on Spiral Mountain's peak. He is a pierrot master of deception, Piedmon was the most powerful, cruel and demonic of the four Dark Masters. He had the power to mentally control the Trump Swords on his back.


An evil Digimon that originally put the Digital World in danger. He is the creator of the Dark Masters and the one who gave the DigiDestined's three original enemies (Devimon, Etemon and Myotismon) their powers.


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